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Pokój: 503

Adiunkt naukowo-dydaktyczny

Zespoły badawcze:
Struktury i metody uczenia sieci neuronowych

Prowadzone zajęcia:
Programowanie wektorowe i równoległe lab
Programowanie niskopoziomowe lab
Systemy operacyjne lab
dr inż. Piotr Pluta

Pasjonata optymalizacji kodu i programowania równoległego w oparciu o akceleratory graficzne firmy NVIDIA w technologii CUDA jak i programowania niskopoziomowego w architekturze X86 / x64.  

W strefie działalności naukowej zajmuję się algorytmami rekonstrukcji obrazów w tomografii medycznej.

Publikacje (15)

2023 (4)

A New Rebinning Reconstruction Method for the Low Dose CT Scanners with Flying Focal Spot
Pluta P., Cierniak R., A New Rebinning Reconstruction Method for the Low Dose CT Scanners with Flying Focal Spot, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 14126 LNAI, 14126 LNAI, 269-278, 2023, Liczba cytowań: 0
Hand Gesture Recognition for Medical Purposes Using CNN
Sosnowski J., Pluta P., Najgebauer P., Hand Gesture Recognition for Medical Purposes Using CNN, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13589 LNAI, 13589 LNAI, 80-88, 2023, Liczba cytowań: 0
A New Approach to Statistical Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm for a CT Scanner with Flying Focal Spot Using a Rebinning Method
Pluta P., A New Approach to Statistical Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm for a CT Scanner with Flying Focal Spot Using a Rebinning Method, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13589 LNAI, 13589 LNAI, 286-299, 2023, Liczba cytowań: 2
A New Statistical Approach to Image Reconstruction with Rebinning for the X-Ray CT Scanners with Flying Focal Spot Tube
Pluta P., Cierniak R., A New Statistical Approach to Image Reconstruction with Rebinning for the X-Ray CT Scanners with Flying Focal Spot Tube, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 14074 LNCS, 14074 LNCS, 670-677, 2023, Liczba cytowań: 0

2022 (2)

An Original Continuous-to-Continuous Forward Model as a Universal Method for the Formulation of Reconstruction Methods for Medical Imaging Techniques
Cierniak R., Pluta P., An Original Continuous-to-Continuous Forward Model as a Universal Method for the Formulation of Reconstruction Methods for Medical Imaging Techniques, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1653 CCIS, 1653 CCIS, 396-405, 2022, Liczba cytowań: 0
Implementations of statistical reconstruction algorithm for CT scanners with flying focal spot
Cierniak R., Bilski J., Pluta P., Implementations of statistical reconstruction algorithm for CT scanners with flying focal spot, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 12304, 12304, 2022, Liczba cytowań: 0

2021 (2)

A New Statistical Reconstruction Method for the Computed Tomography Using an X-Ray Tube with Flying Focal Spot
Cierniak R., Pluta P., Waligora M., Szymanski Z., Grzanek K., Palka F., Piuri V., A New Statistical Reconstruction Method for the Computed Tomography Using an X-Ray Tube with Flying Focal Spot, Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research, 11, 11, 271-286, 2021, Liczba cytowań: 9
A New Statistical Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm for a CT Scanner with Flying Focal Spot
Cierniak R., Pluta P., A New Statistical Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm for a CT Scanner with Flying Focal Spot, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12855 LNAI, 12855 LNAI, 431-441, 2021, Liczba cytowań: 0

2020 (2)

Statistical iterative reconstruction algorithm based on a continuous-to-continuous model formulated for spiral cone-beam ct
Cierniak R., Pluta P., Statistical iterative reconstruction algorithm based on a continuous-to-continuous model formulated for spiral cone-beam ct, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12139 LNCS, 12139 LNCS, 613-620, 2020, Liczba cytowań: 2
A Practical Statistical Approach to the Reconstruction Problem Using a Single Slice Rebinning Method
Cierniak R., Pluta P., KaAmierczak A., A Practical Statistical Approach to the Reconstruction Problem Using a Single Slice Rebinning Method, Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research, 10, 10, 137-149, 2020, Liczba cytowań: 13

2019 (2)

Realizations of the statistical reconstruction method based on the continuous-to-continuous data model
Cierniak R., Bilski J., Pluta P., Filutowicz Z., Realizations of the statistical reconstruction method based on the continuous-to-continuous data model, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11509 LNAI, 11509 LNAI, 149-156, 2019, Liczba cytowań: 0
Iterative Statistical Reconstruction Algorithm Based on C-C Data Model with the Direct Use of Projections Performed in Spiral Cone-Beam CT Scanners
Cierniak R., Pluta P., Iterative Statistical Reconstruction Algorithm Based on C-C Data Model with the Direct Use of Projections Performed in Spiral Cone-Beam CT Scanners, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1011, 1011, 56-66, 2019, Liczba cytowań: 0

2018 (1)

Analytical realization of the EM algorithm for emission positron tomography
Cierniak R., Dobosz P., Pluta P., Filutowicz P., Analytical realization of the EM algorithm for emission positron tomography, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 10842 LNAI, 10842 LNAI, 127-136, 2018, Liczba cytowań: 0

2017 (1)

Parallel realizations of the iterative statistical reconstruction algorithm for 3D computed tomography
Cierniak R., Bilski J., Smolag J., Pluta P., Shah N., Parallel realizations of the iterative statistical reconstruction algorithm for 3D computed tomography, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 10245 LNAI, 10245 LNAI, 473-484, 2017, Liczba cytowań: 1

2016 (1)

Regularization methods for the analytical statistical reconstruction problem in medical computed tomography
Cierniak R., Lorent A., Pluta P., Shah N., Regularization methods for the analytical statistical reconstruction problem in medical computed tomography, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9693, 9693, 147-158, 2016, Liczba cytowań: 0

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